Saturday, February 29, 2020

Atticus Finch Essay Example for Free (#2)

Atticus Finch Essay Atticus Finch Abraham Lincoln once said, â€Å"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.† Atticus Finch, in many ways, lives this quote everyday by understanding what has to be done today in order to avoid future consequences of today’s mistakes. Atticus is a kind-hearted, slow-tempered, wise man, who always knows the right thing to say. In the story, one can deduce that Atticus Finch is a kind-hearted man who knows what to do in order to fix the toughest of problems. The author remarks, â€Å"There was a brown book and some yellow tablets on the solicitor’s table, Atticus’s was bare† (138). This statement explains how Atticus is always prepared to do what is right, and still be humane about what point he is trying to get across. Therefore, Atticus must also set the example for his children by showing that he has a kind heart, so maybe his two children would learn to follow; however, in the story he is faced with many obstacles on the way, reducing his time spent trying to do the right thing. Atticus definitely knows how to react under pressure. In the story the author writes, â€Å"Miss Stephanie said Atticus didn’t even bat an eye, just took out his handkerchief and wiped his face and stood there and let Mr. Ewell call him names wild horses could not bring her to repeat† (185). This is a perfect example of Atticus having a long fuse. Even though Mr. Ewell cussed him until the cows came home, Atticus took it calmly and was relieved that Mr. Ewell finally got his steam out from the case. Whenever he is in trouble, he reacts calmly because he knows in the end it will all blow over. Atticus is obviously a very wise man, who can get the job done. In the part of the story with Mrs. Dubose, Atticus states, â€Å"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what† (93). Atticus uses many quotes like this in the book, all consisting of the wisest comments out of the whole story. In this quote Atticus is lecturing Jem after he is finished reading his book to Mrs. Dubose, and Jem realizes that Atticus was talking about him. He also said he would have made him do it eventually anyway, just to show him what real courage was, even if he would not have destroyed Mrs. Dubose’s flowers. The author indirectly says that Atticus knows what he is saying. As I have stated, Atticus is a kind-hearted, slow-tempered, and wise beyond his year’s sort of man. Atticus is the ideal human being in the story. He is also the stories main protagonist, showing all the characteristics of a gentleman. Atticus Finch. (2016, Mar 25). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Is this Religion Absolustic or Relavistic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Is this Religion Absolustic or Relavistic - Essay Example Through a reconstruction of religion, we see a way out of the impasse. AN OLD DEBATE IN THE HISTORY OF IDEAS concerns the question of the relation between religion and science. The common wisdom once was that science and religion were incompatible, with consequences such as arguments made that religion has no place in schools or the creationism versus evolution theory debated in science classes. It was often claimed that there could be no legitimate concept of a Catholic -- or for that matter a Marxist -- university: A university was concerned with critical inquiry, which is incompatible with closing off any area or domain to critical inquiry or with the specification of an appropriate methodology or test of truth that was prejudiced toward a particular view of the world. Thus, the idea that there was a peculiarly Catholic form of inquiry -- or a Marxist one -or that there was a domain of knowledge appropriate for scrutiny and a domain that was beyond question was rejected. Since the days when this common wisdom was being distilled, science itself has undergone something of a revolution in terms of our understanding of what it is. Philosophers of science and social philosophers have serious questions about it being as value free and objective as was being claimed. There has also devel- oped a related question of whether there can be such a thing as social science, and whether something other than the aims of physical science -- explanation, prediction, and control -- are more appropriate. In the latter case, there has developed, for example, verstehen analysis, and hermeneutics, which consider meanings imputed to social situations by the actors involved in them; social science is thus seen as an exercise in teasing out these meanings so that we may understand, rather than explain things. Again, teleological explanation appears more relevant to social science than does the causal explanation appropriate in the physical sciences. The

Saturday, February 1, 2020

English 1010 (Argument Essay) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English 1010 (Argument ) - Essay Example for the victim and their families.’ Those opposed to capital punishment do not believe that the government should be vested with the power to put any of its citizens to death. Opponents also maintain that the practice is racially biased, overtly costly and does not achieve the intended outcome. Capital punishment opponents argue that the practice does not deter crime, which statistics reprove. Opponents also deny that the death penalty is a deterrent to crime because of the nature of the reasons people commit homicide. People cannot conceive their own demise therefore cannot contemplate or appreciate the consequences. In addition, these crimes are usually committed as a result of impulsive actions and not carefully considered beforehand. Therefore, â€Å"the deterrent case has no validity† (Donohue, 2006). If the person committing the murder does contemplate the consequences, they may kill not only the victim but any witnesses as well rather than risk being caught. Fear of capital punishment potentially increases capital crimes. Many studies have been performed to determine if the death penalty is indeed deterrence. All prevailing research indicates capital punishment is as much of a deterrent to crime as a life sentence. Further, statistics from the U.S. Department of Justice show states that do not have the death penalty actually have lower murder rates. â€Å"The average murder rate per 100,000 people in 1999 among death penalty states was 5.5 and the average murder rate among non-death penalty states was 3.6.† (U.S. Dept. of Justice, 2001). The State of Texas is widely acknowledged as executing more prisoners than any other state, a title it holds on an annual basis. A study conducted from the years 1984 through 1997 demonstrated homicides were not deterred as a result of the practice. â€Å"The murder rate (in Texas) was steady and there was no evidence of a deterrent effect. The number of executions was found to be unrelated to murder rates (Sorenson,