Monday, December 30, 2019

Argumentative Essay on Music and Education

Introduction Around the world, the United States is seen as the leader amongst all nations. Many of our own politicians love to say how it is the greatest country in the world. Since childhood, we have been taught that the American Dream is something that causes everyone from other countries in the world to move here. We have so much hype around us and sadly we don’t live up to it. Studies show that even though we are second in the industrialized nations, behind Switzerland, in amount spent for student we are ninth in terms of education. Why is this happening? What seems to be happening is lack of expectation in our students hence students are finding it hard to get motivated in school. With a country that thrives on innovation, you would think that there would have been a solution to this problem ages ago. One thing that I think is extremely important to make education succeed is Music and the arts. With music and the arts in school a student learns to become motivated and they are more likely to stay in school and have them continue in their education. It also makes a student become better in different aspects of life and enables them to become reliable leaders. Something that is very important in the planning of a country’s future. In a study conducted, New York City public schools with the lowest graduation rates have the least access to music and arts classes. In our state of Florida, we have one of the highest school dropout rates in the nation with every one in four students dropping out. Generally one the main reason for dropping out includes lack of interest in school. Adding different kinds of music and art classes in school will keep students motivated and interested in staying in school. Being in the drum line or in a theatre class also gives a chance for students to work with their fellow peers. This sense of community gives students the opportunity to grow and become confident in themselves. Many times this confident grows to leadership which helps students in becoming more successful in the future. A big step in being successful in the future of students is getting accepted into their dream colleges. And the most important thing is being well rounded, that includes being involved in the school you are in, having good grades and staying out of trouble. Music and the arts keep students out of trouble because they put in all the negative energy into something positive, also being in the arts program in a school is usually not a classroom sort of thing. Most of the time, students are in concerts, musicals, entering poetry contests, or putting their art in a gallery and this is something that takes place outside the school and that keeps a student busy and out of trouble. Music therefore tends to create a positive mental attitude to the students thereby enhancing their education (Duke 45) Since being in the arts is a time consuming activity, many of the classes that have to do with the arts will be held after school and clubs activities. This dedication helps in the future of students. Students will also become more active in working with other people which in turn causes them to get more involved with community service and that is something that most if not all colleges really like. Finally in academics, a student involved in the arts will do better in academics because they are all interconnected. For example, a student involved in music class is more likely to do better in math than a student who isn’t. So how can a subject like music help well student in math? Well research has found that music instruction helps develop the capacity for spatial-temporal reasoning, which is integral in the acquisition of important mathematical skills. Music and arts is essential in any education curriculum because it plays part in enhancing student’s language and reading skills (Elliot 63). This is because the art of music involves verbal communications to effectively convey the message being transmitted by the songs, poems or plays. These aspects of arts are what enhance the student’s learning capacity thereby improving their performance as well. Research revealed that most students engaging in music and arts classes performed better in linguistic subjects compared to those who did not. This gives the implication that it is crucial for schools to adopt music and arts classes to improve the academic performance of students. There is a strong correlation between music and education. This is because music has either a direct or indirect influence to education. A direct influence is when it is handled as a unit in a school; it would require the student’s full participation. Music on the other hand will have an indirect influence to education when students will different languages as a result of learning music from different parts of the world. This bond acts as a motivation to students at the different levels of education and this automatically has a positive impact on the economy of a country. Music and arts tend to incorporate good morals thereby upbringing socially and economically dependable students. The morals inculcated to students by these morals enables them see the value of education and enables them develop a positive attitude towards education (Phillips 71). Some of the morals that will be involved in music and arts include discipline, persistence, patience, and collaboration amongst others. Patience as a virtue developed as a result of music will assist students become patient with education as well. Students who would have wanted to drop out of schools change their self destructive thoughts and instead embrace education. Research has revealed that music and arts students develop a high sense of social skills compared to students who do not engage in the arts (Jorgensen 59). This aspect of social skills helps students become resourceful people in the society and the country as a whole. Social skills are developed when students have to perform in front of a large audience. This aspect enables them develop a high sense of self confidence and better ways of expressing themselves. These students will tend to have high levels of self esteem. The schools of music and arts give the students the idea that they can make something out of themselves. This helps the students become inventive and innovative in achieving their short term and long term goals. These students will be more creative in finding solutions to problem hence implying that they become better problem solvers. The students become good planners as well in different life aspects. This combination of traits is part of the leadership skills required in different activities. Music and arts lessons are amongst the first ones to be dropped out of the education curriculum in cases of economic difficulties. This should be greatly discouraged because these programs enable students become more team oriented. Music involves different instruments and different vocals. To bring out the best of music therefore, a combination of all these elements has to be achieved. The combination of the elements cannot be felt without team work from the key role players in the music. The team work employed in music therefore, extends to the students’ social lives hence the reason why music and arts should be highly encouraged in schools. Music is an active activity that requires full participation of the students. Contrary classroom learning is more of passive in nature because the students just sit down in classroom and take in what the teachers have to say. Music and arts classes require students to actively take part in playing the musical instruments or act on stage (Reimer 27). This implies that music and arts are more involving to the students compared to classroom learning. This is the reason why most students will appreciate music and arts compared to classroom learning. Music and arts plays a key role in developing socially responsible students. This is because the art of music and arts enables students appreciate cultural diversity. Therefore, music and arts students are in a better position to fit in different cultural settings. This is gained when students learn music and arts lessons which involve different cultures. By these lessons the students embrace the different cultural aspects. The students can therefore fit in a different cultural setting compared to students who have always been in classroom lessons only. Music and arts students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills to a higher level compared to students who do not engage in music and arts (Jorgensen 36). Critical thinking is developed when these students have to learn how to use new musical instruments such as the violins amongst others. The students develop greater efforts in learning and this constitutes to problem solving skills on the students’ part. These students therefore become better problem solvers in the future. Conclusion Music and arts have different effects on the students in schools. Some of the effects are psychological whereas some are physical. The psychological effects of music and arts to students tend to assist the students in improving the education. The physical effect on music and arts to students enhances the students’ ability to be highly creative and innovative. It is therefore logical that music and arts play a big role in developing students of high intellectual capacity within the society. Music and arts classes should therefore be encouraged in every education curriculum. It is however a pity that music and arts lessons are some of the first to be dropped out of the curriculum in case of crisis. Work Cited Duke R.E. Intelligent Music Teaching: Essays on the core principles of effective instructions. California: Learning and Behavior Resources, 2009. Elliot J. D. Music Matters: A New Philosophy of Music Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. Jorgensen R.E. Transforming music education. New York: Indiana University Press, 2002. Jorgensen R.E. The Art of Teaching Music. New York: Indiana University Press, 2008. Phillips H.K. Exploring Research in Music Education and Music Therapy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Reimer B. A Philosophy of Music Education: Advancing the vision. London: Prentice Hall, 2002.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Iran And Iran On Iran - 3150 Words

Essay How does Iran continue to resist US sanctions? This paper will seek to identify three key aspects of US sanctions imposed on Iran. First the paper will briefly introduce the reasons as to why US and Iran relations have worsened since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Secondly, this paper shall outline some of the key sanctions imposed on Iran which have influenced Irans’s behaviour. After sanctions are reviewed, the paper will then summarise the impact of sanctions on Iran. Last but not the least and most importantly, the paper will elaborate how Iran is resisting stringent US sanctions. This paper will argue that despite punitive measures adopted by the US, Iran has found alternative mechanisms to fight them and has reoriented its†¦show more content†¦This coup was a crucial turning point in US-Iran relations. â€Å"Sixty years on, the coup continues to loom large in Iran s national psyche and remains a thorn in the country s relations with the West.† (Bezhan, 2013) Iran’s nuclear programme has in recent years worsened US-Iran relations. The United States accuses Iran of seeking to develop nuclear weapons (Bahgat , 2009). Other reasons for mistrust include USA’s support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980’s. Specifically, Iran continues to resent the US supplying Iraq with the chemical weapons it used during the war. Adding fuel to the fire, in 1988, US guided missile Cruiser the USS Vincennes on station in the Persian Gulf mistakenly shot down Iranian Airlines flight 655 killing 290. (Milinski, n.d.) In recent times a critical point of conflict is the US sanctions imposed on Iran. The key recent financial sanctions in place against Iran include: the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010 (CISADA); the USA PATRIOT Act money laundering designation of 2011; the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA); the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 (ITRA); and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013 (Carter Farha, 2013, p. 320). Starting under the Carter administration as a response to the

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Writing and Pepperoni Pizza Lovers Free Essays

[pic]Essay #5: Division/Classification ASSIGNMENT Write a 3-page essay classifying different types. The essay must focus on types of a specific object or person. The essay is not intended to be an inventory of descriptions, but rather a fun analysis that leads to an overall conclusion about what you discovered in the details of each type. We will write a custom essay sample on Writing and Pepperoni Pizza Lovers or any similar topic only for you Order Now Requirements †¢ 3 pages Introduction (creative hook/lead and use Adios â€Å"Encircling† to get into the body of the essay—a 2-paragraph introduction is acceptable) †¢ Support Paragraphs (effective use of all: â€Å"Flow†, â€Å"Pause†, â€Å"Time Warping†, â€Å"Splitting the Second,† â€Å"Transitioning†) †¢ Conclusion (use a creative conclusion combo of your choice) †¢ Use transition words/expressions. †¢ Use varied sentence structure that demonstrates knowledge of correct punctuation. †¢ Avoid 2nd person point of view (you), contractions, and repetition. Avoid use of cliche expressions and overused words (i. e. things, nice, beautiful, however). †¢ Limit use of to be verb to no more that 4 times in the essay. †¢ Clear thesis statement †¢ Creative Title Step One (5 points): Due October 26, 2012, by midnight via email (aristiofoz@yahoo. com) Choose a topic and get approval from the instru ctor. Some examples of people include: people in an airplane, people in a waiting room, people at a specific party, types of parents, types of drivers, types of bosses, types of sneezers, types of snorers. Some examples of objects include: types of pizzas (stick to one particular kind like all types of pepperoni pizzas), types of other foods, types of couches, types of jeans, types of candy (chocolate bars, after dinner mints, etc†¦). You are not limited to these ideas; however, be prepared to think of another idea if the first one should not be approved. Therefore, check your email frequently for a response. When considering your topic, remember to choose something that will allow you to enjoy writing about it and will allow you to use all our stylistic tools effectively. Step Two (10 points): Due November 1, 2012, by midnight via email (aristiofoz@yahoo. com) Write a formal outline with your thesis and 3-4 main points. This must be a sentence outline, as we have already discussed in class. You will find an explanation about formal outlines on page 45 of The Brief Wadsworth Handbook. The example on page 46 of the handbook is a topic outline (not the kind you will be preparing). F ollow basic outline conventions. Send your outline in the body of the email! Use the subject heading: â€Å"Essay #5 Outline†. The outline should organize the ideas that you intend to discuss in your essay. No late outlines will be accepted for credit. I will, however, comment on late outlines. All students who email me their outlines will get general commentary for improving the outline in order to result in a better paper. You may need to revise the outline, so you will need to be checking your email periodically in order to make the necessary changes in time to write the paper. If you have changes to make on the outline and you do not implement them by November 3, 2012, you will receive 0 points for this assignment. Also, there will be a 1-point deduction for every time you need to revise, so get it done right the first time. You may only move on to writing the paper if I indicate so in my commentary. Follow the example below. Thesis: Pepperoni pizza lovers should not be grouped as one happy bunch of Italian-pie devotees. I. Too-conventional-to-try-anything-else pepperoni pizza lovers are one type. A. Charlie has not really acquired a taste for pepperoni pizza in order to be considered an expert. B. This person just eats pepperoni pizza because it is a standard favorite. C. This person has never really made any earth-shattering decisions in his/her life, for he/she lives in fear of being different. II The taste gratification seekers of the pepperoni pizza lover bunch are a second type. A. Gary Gratification Gurumaniac chooses pepperoni pizza merely for the flavorful spices of the thin sausage disks from Italy. B. This person generally opts for spicier food choices, so when pizza is on the menu, pepperoni satisfies Billy Taste Bud and Buddies the most. C. In general, this person spends a lifetime of seeking spice in his life: pepperoni pizza is his target at the neighborhood pizza parlor. III. The pepperoni pizza critic is a third. A. Having done extensive research in Italy, Cristoforo Critic di Italia is the expert and has earned the right to use his thumbs to signal â€Å"belissimo† or far-from-belissimo. B. As a connoisseur of pizza, he won’t be found delving in the cheesy-thin-crust-pepperoni delights of the lower class: the hut that sells a low quality version, Papa John’s sad imitation of gourmet, and oh, not the â€Å"D†one, a blasphemous attempt to produce pepperoni pizza. C. This person can only be found in gourmet get-ups that seat ten lucky guests for an evening of white table cloths, shiny silverware, a carnation in a vase, and the star of the evening, pepperoni pizza. D. The self-proclaimed pepperoni pizza expert will also be heard saying, â€Å"Only the best will do;† his superficial expertise is a disguise for his addiction to the best; otherwise, Domino’s would have been a thumbs up too. Conclusion: One’s taste for pepperoni pizza comes from one’s attitude toward life. Note: Please be aware that your first draft of the outline may not be approved. Check your email for responses. In other words, just doing it will not get you the credit–doing it correctly will. Step Three (10): Due: November 13, 2012 Write a 3-page essay in MLA format for Peer Review. Please bring a hard copy only. Keep in mind that grammar, sentence variety, clever word choice, and paragraph unity and organization, and effective use of Adios t echniques are necessary to create an amazing piece of writing. Be careful not to create an inventory of types. Don’t forget to create an amazing title! Note: Students who do not have a complete draft of Essay #5 or do not have one at all on the day of the peer review will receive a zero for this assignment. Students who arrive after the peer review will receive a zero for this assignment. Step Four (100): Due: November 15, 2012 Make sure you do not miss an opportunity for great detail, entertaining narrative, and stylistic flair. Proofread and turn in the final draft for instructor review is due. Include your revised outline. (A 10-point deduction will be made if you do not turn in the outline and/or do not follow correct MLA format, including tampering with the margins, font size and style. ) This final draft should be something a reader will enjoy reading; this is your mission. An essay will be considered â€Å"on time† when it is turned in at the time all essays are collected. Turning in an essay after the collection time will be considered late, so do not plan to print during the break or arrive tardy to class. Late essays will be accepted no later than one class meeting after the original due date. The final grade of late essays, however, will be dropped one full letter grade. Step Four (100): Due: November 15, 2012 Post your Essay #5 to Turnitin. com by this date at 12:45pm (the start of class). On Writing Style†¦. Do’s: Getting up late is usually the reason for speedy vehicle vermin to cause chaos on the road. The triple-dose snoozers seem to be under the prolonged state of slumber, as they cut in front of those who steer courteously along the freeway. When the Lone Ranger low rider goes by handling his Tonto Toyota in unconventional ways, Ms. Daisy and her chauffer can only wonder, â€Å"What was that loud blur? † Road mayhem is credited to this group of freeway fiends. Watch out! Don’ts: Some drivers are in a hurry. They cut off people on the busy road and don’t seem to care how they affect the drivers around them. They are probably in a hurry to get to work because they got up too late or had car trouble. Nevertheless, they are a threat on the road. [pic] How to cite Writing and Pepperoni Pizza Lovers, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

The enormous radio free essay sample

The short story The Enormous Radio written by John Cheever tells about a family, Jim and Irene Westcotts, who buys a new radio that permits them to eavesdrop on conversations and quarrels of other tenants of their apartment building. At first Westcotts appears like the perfect American family who seems to strike that satisfactory average ot income, endeavor and respectability. They like listening to classical music and they went to a great many concerts. But they try not to show It off because these activities were not something members of their community did, Westcotts wanted to conform to their society. Yet they are far from being the perfect family. One day Jim buys a new radio to replace their broken one that is unpredictable, and beyond repair. This radio would pick up noises and conversations throughput their apartment building, And Irene listens for hours to the conversations of her neighbors. So she begins to wonder if neighbors can hear her, and f her relationship with Jim is the same as theirs. We will write a custom essay sample on The enormous radio or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And by this reader can see that Irene is a self-centered woman who is only concerned with how people view and treat her. From the beginning reader learns that Irene is quite optimistic. But this radio gives Irene a chance to learn the real world with all its controversy, quarrels, diseases and despair. So he realizes that the society is not as flawless as she thought. And we can trace how her personality degrades from day to day. She spends all days eavesdropping others private affairs. She idles all day long while her husband works awfully hard. She spends great sums of money on luxury. She takes it for granted that it is her husbands responsibility to support the family. But she doesnt feel shame. In all only one fact that when she experiences that she Is the one who can learn about the private life of the neighbors, she does not care about the virtue or decency, she just listens to them can characterize her as a tactless and indecent person . But this damned radio reveals not only problems of one person. Its a mirror of the whole society as It displays lots of Issues. As all this characters, whom Irene listening to, are also morally degenerate. And Irene is Just a reflection of the people who live in todays world. What is more I think in this story author also wanted to tell he reader about the consequences of addiction (to the radio in this particular case) and its impacts on people, their relationships and lifestyles. But in this story Just the Inoffensive radio, which one can easily turn off, affected person so much. And one can see the allusion to more perilous things such as drugs and their impact on personality. When I finished the story an interesting question came to my mind. If you had the chance to listen others private lives from radio or another magic Instrument or gadget, what would you do? Turn it off Immediately or continue listening? And suppose that most of people wouldnt be able to answer this question on the spot. This short story tries to demonstrate not only personal but social deterioration. The enormous radio By eazygo satisfactory average of income, endeavor and respectability. They like listening to classical music and they went to a great many concerts. But they try not to show it off because these activities were not something members of their community did. throughput their apartment building. And Irene listens for hours to the conversations of her neighbors. So she begins to wonder if neighbors can hear her, and if her hat it is her husbands responsibility to support the family. But she doesnt feel shame. In all only one fact that when she experiences that she is the one who can decency, she Just listens to them can characterize her as a tactless and indecent of the whole society as it displays lots of issues. As all this characters, whom Irene inoffensive radio, which one can easily turn off, affected person so much. And one instrument or gadget, what would you do? Turn it off immediately or continue listening? And I suppose that most of people wouldnt be able to answer this question

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Poetry Sound devices Essay Example

Poetry Sound devices Paper Alliteration The repitition of consonant sounds in the beginning of words. EX: slippery slope Repitition The use of any element of language a sound, word, phrase, clause, or sentence more than once Assonance The repetition of vowel sounds followed by different consonants in stressed syllables. EX: blade and maze Consonance The repetition of similar consonant sounds at the ends of accented syllables. EX: wind and sand Onomatopoeia The use of words that imitate sounds. EX: crash, bang and hiss Rhyme The repetition of sounds at the ends of words. EX: speech and teach Meter The rhythmical pattern in a poem

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Ideology

Ideology is a system of thought based on related assumptions, beliefs, and explanations of social movements or policies. Ideologies show "the way things are" and "the way things ought to be." Some ideologies, such as communism and socialism, refer to economic and political systems. Most "isms" are ideologies. Any Ideology will contain contradictions, will repress aspects of experience, will â€Å"disappear† that which tends to contradict it or expose its repressions. Ideologies do not rely equally on factual information in supporting their beliefs. People who accept an entire thought system usually reject all other systems concerned with the same content. To such people, only conclusions based on their ideology seem logical and correct. Thus, people strongly committed to an ideology have difficulty understanding and communicating with supporters of a conflicting ideology. Some conceptions of ideology undermine the power aspect and see ideology as the structure of assumptions, which form the imaginative world of groups. Ideology, writes Althusser, is "a representation of the imaginary relation of individuals to the real condition of existence." Further, Althusser writes, ideology creates us as persons: it "hails" us, calls us into being. Political Ideologies are a coherent and consistent set of political beliefs about who ought to rule, the principles rulers ought to obey, and what policies rulers ought to pursue. Political ideology in American Society can get a little confusing. This is due partially to the fact that the most commonly used model to explain political ideology is too simple. The linear model, as it is sometimes called, puts the ideological spectrum on a straight line. This model often leaves researcher's wondering about ideologies because it ties groups together that may have absolutely different ideas. One useful way of categorizing ideologies from a political point of view focuses on differences in the ideologies' ... Free Essays on Ideology Free Essays on Ideology Ideology is a system of thought based on related assumptions, beliefs, and explanations of social movements or policies. Ideologies show "the way things are" and "the way things ought to be." Some ideologies, such as communism and socialism, refer to economic and political systems. Most "isms" are ideologies. Any Ideology will contain contradictions, will repress aspects of experience, will â€Å"disappear† that which tends to contradict it or expose its repressions. Ideologies do not rely equally on factual information in supporting their beliefs. People who accept an entire thought system usually reject all other systems concerned with the same content. To such people, only conclusions based on their ideology seem logical and correct. Thus, people strongly committed to an ideology have difficulty understanding and communicating with supporters of a conflicting ideology. Some conceptions of ideology undermine the power aspect and see ideology as the structure of assumptions, which form the imaginative world of groups. Ideology, writes Althusser, is "a representation of the imaginary relation of individuals to the real condition of existence." Further, Althusser writes, ideology creates us as persons: it "hails" us, calls us into being. Political Ideologies are a coherent and consistent set of political beliefs about who ought to rule, the principles rulers ought to obey, and what policies rulers ought to pursue. Political ideology in American Society can get a little confusing. This is due partially to the fact that the most commonly used model to explain political ideology is too simple. The linear model, as it is sometimes called, puts the ideological spectrum on a straight line. This model often leaves researcher's wondering about ideologies because it ties groups together that may have absolutely different ideas. One useful way of categorizing ideologies from a political point of view focuses on differences in the ideologies' ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Drones and how they are becoming more advanced along with the safety Term Paper

Drones and how they are becoming more advanced along with the safety concerns of civilian drones - Term Paper Example There are different types of drones but they can be grouped into two basic groups as the international civil aviation organization (ICAO) classifies them (OBrien, n.d.). These classifications are autonomous aircrafts and the remotely controlled aircrafts. The autonomous aircrafts are considered unsuitable for regulation at the moment, due to legal and liability issues involved. On the other hand, the remotely controlled aircraft are suitable and convenient to use because they are subject to civil regulation by the ICAO and are always under the regulation of the relevant national aviation authority of respective countries. One can also classify drone into those that are used for reconnaissance and surveillance purposes and those that are used for combat; those that are armed with bombs and missiles. Typically, the drones are launched and recovered by the means of a function of an automated program or system or by an external operator from the ground. Drones have been employed in the military and the special operation application; they have also been employed in civil applications such as policing and firefighting, as well as inspection of power or pipelines. Drones have been preferred for missions that are believed to endanger the lives of hr pilots, or in other words, in areas are too dangerous and dirty for the manned aircrafts (OBrien, n.d.). The popularity of drones can be associated with its uses, which covers a wide area of application in the daily life situations. The application of drones makes them an interesting technology for governments, business people, non-governmental organization and the like, to employ I their dealings. To begin with, drones have been used extensively in commercial aerial surveillance, like the monitoring of livestock, mapping of wildfire, home security, pipeline security and so on. This is because surveillance of such vast areas would normally command a huge investment in terms of capital, but

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A New Tunnel under the Thames Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

A New Tunnel under the Thames - Essay Example 7. Include a set of drawings of your proposed tunnel, including a. a detailed cross section, b. a long section c. a map showing your suggested new road layout and d. a map indicating remedial works to minimise the impact of the extra traffic on the surrounding areas. 8. The site designated for the northern access (between Galleons Reach DLR and the river) is currently a brown field site with possible contamination, which includes an infestation of Japanese knotweed and some fly-tipping which may contain asbestos. Explain the procedures needed to bring the site into a condition suitable for construction. A new Tunnel under the Thames Introduction A tunnel is a subversive vessel, entirely covered a part from openings for entrance and exit, usually from both ends. A tunnel can be constructed for foot passage, rail, vehicle traffic, or a canal. The new Thames river crossing will allow closing of the Wool Wish Ferry. The bridge will relieve congestion for people living adjacent to Blackwa ll. This marks the location of Thames Gateway Road Bridge that was scrapped by the mayor in 2008, following the rejection of the plan by the Inspector at a Planning Inquiry. The tunnel, which will run from Greenwich Peninsula to the royal Docks, is expected to have a capacity of up to 2400 cars per hour in each route. While the link is very much worthy and will perhaps help reduce the severe overcrowding in the city, it will tamper with Blackwall Tunnel, making the suggestion for a Gallions Rach ferry a laughable alternative for the Thames Gateway Bridge. In addition, it raises questions with regards to the future of the current Woolwich Ferry. Supporters of environmentalists are likely to criticize the scheme of the tunnel, alleging that it would bring problems to people of London by creating more traffic, noise and more pollution. Furthermore, if the leaders in this region want to make London one of the world’s greenest capitals, their policies should be much focused (Irsha d, Wagner & Mussger, 2003). Since the era when Brunel made the first Thames tunnel, which was called Rotherhithe Tunnel, the tunnel construction has undergone great breakthrough, especially between 1825 and 1842. Tunnel constructions during these times were done through a rectangular safeguard with a miner revealing the face. The dimensions of the shield were 29ft high and 33ft wide, with brick coating after the miners and an arch brick being constructed. Nonetheless, tunneling will remain a risky activity since the conditions can never be certain, regardless of the number of boreholes that are taken. Furthermore, it is not uncommon to find tunneling gaining more prominence in the next few decades. The proposed Thames Tunnel will occupy a distance of 25 kilometers from west London. It will be 67 meters below the ground and will widely follow the direction of Thames River. According to the environment agency, this tunnel will link 34 of the most contaminated sewer outflows (Munfah 20 03). CDM requirements CDM regulations background Areas where CDM is applicable and those areas where it is not applicable General health and safety practices and laws Recognition of accident prevention, causation and prevention. Risk management practices Control procedures and reviewing and monitoring requirements Roles of different professional Land/engineering survey Land surveyors establish and give recommendations on the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Determining the Status of an Independent Contractor and Taxes Essay

Determining the Status of an Independent Contractor and Taxes - Essay Example Avoiding taxes is not the primary goal of an independent contractor but they know if they are classified as employees they suffer some consequences. Some of the consequences one suffers are that they might not be hired by the hiring firm since they these firms will be forced to pay additional expenses of treating them as employees. The aims of the firms to maximise their profit and to ensure they achieve their goals, they have to ensure that they minimise their operational expenses. For this case, if an independent contractor is classified as an employee he will never be hired by the hiring firms. (Fishman, 2006) The other reason as to why the independent contractors do not need to be classified as employees is because they will add additional tax burden to themselves by being subjected to tax. Their pay will be deducted, something they would not be experiencing if they were independent contractor. (Fishman, 2006) According to Fishman (1997), the U.S Bureau of Labour Statistics shows that in U.S.A alone, there are eight million independent contractors and in the next ten years, this number is expected to double. The use of independent contractors is beneficial companies that cannot afford to hire permanent employees especially small and medium ones. This is especially so for those companies that can not be able to employ a permanent employee for specialized function. For instance, a company engaged in international commerce can hire an attorney who has specialized in international trade as an independent contractor to provide international legal advice. This staffing approach is more affordable than employee a permanent employee and for this case due to the fact that this attorney's salary will not be taxed, then it does not mean he want to avoid paying the tax. 1 Permanent employees have been given a great deal of job security by European laws and because of these laws, the economic uncertainty has forced employers to use short-term contracts than using permanent employment. These short-term contracts are the use of independent contract and statistics shows that this tread is on the increase. In every five employees in France, one is on part-time contract; 30 percent of workforce in Britain is on temporary employment; in Spain, for every ten jobs created, seven of them are on temporary basis; and the ban on private temporary employment agencies has been lifted in Germany. These statistics shows that there is great rise in the use of independent contractors in many European countries. The use of independent contractors has become popular since it reduces costs and legal requirements imposed on termination or lay off of employment in Europe. Due to the fact that the temporary employees hired by companies under temporary employment does not mea n that they are avoiding paying taxes since they employment is being dictated by circumstances. (Templeman, 1996) Independent contractors results in cost savings which include: reduced book keeping and payroll preparations costs, avoidance of taxes, reduced fringe benefits, elimination of worker's compensation benefits, elimination of overtime pay, decreased administrative burdens and reduction in capital and maintenance costs if the independent contractors provides their own tools and equipment. (Bureau of National Affairs, 1994; Stalnaker, 1993). Even though independent contr

Friday, November 15, 2019

Hepatitis causes and effects

Hepatitis causes and effects Abstract Hepatitis, one of the major incurable diseases, still exists nowadays endangering many peoples lives. It has many types i.e. Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and G. The nature of Hepatitis is viral which is caught by either through body fluids or improper personal hygiene in addition to other causes which remains unknown. This disease leads into serious physiological effects such as fatigue, jaundice and serious liver complication like liver Cirrhosis. Psychosocial effect which is another outcome of Hepatitis includes social withdrawal, anxiety, depression and suicidal tendency. Despite of the extensive researches to find a cure for Hepatitis, there is still no effective treatment for it so the responsibility of avoiding this infection is both on government and individuals. Hepatitis is one of the most fatal diseases which was discovered in the early eighties; it can be defined as an inflammation of the liver organ. Hepatitis is derived from the Latin words Hepat which means the liver and itis inflammation. The usual cause of Hepatitis is a virus that invades the body through blood stream. This virus could get into the body either through body fluids or improper personal hygiene, leading to serious physiological and psychosocial effects. There are several types of Hepatitis, such as A, B, C, D,E and G. A, B and C viruses are the most common types of Hepatitis and all these viruses can cause similar problems and have similar symptoms, but they spread in different ways and have different effects on the body. There are several modes of transmission including contaminated body fluids, improper personal hygiene in addition to idiopathic causes. Contaminated body fluids include saliva, blood, feces and urine. Blood transfusion is the most common method, where the blood is transferred from an infected patient to another patient what would be called Horizontal Transmission. Another method is the Vertical Transmission which occurs when a pregnant woman pass it to her fetus. Furthermore, contaminated needles shared by the drug abusers or in medical accidents such as needle pricks† is another way emphasized by (Nowak and Handford, 2004, p.379). Having unprotected sex and multi-partners are other ways leading to this disease according to Nowak and Handford (2004) whom reported that Sexual transmission does occur, particularly among the homosexuals. Note also that 20% of infected heterosexuals pass the virus to their spouses.(p.380). All of the above mentioned causes can lead to Hepatitis B a nd C which are the most dangerous ones. The second major cause of Hepatitis is poor hygiene, for instance, personal and general. To start with contaminated water such as sewage lanes, rivers and public toilets are places of great risk for caching Hepatitis A especially to those who live nearby. This type of Hepatitis is usually transferred by feces according to Fiore (2004) HAV is primarily transmitted by the fecal-oral route, either by person-to-person contact or by ingestion of contaminated food or water (p.705-15).Moreover, unwashed vegetables and shellfish, such as clams and oysters may be contaminated by sewage to become sources of infection to humans. Also, personal hygiene is another element for contacting hepatitis and can occur by sharing razors, toothbrushes and towels, and leads to Hepatitis B and C. Despite previously discussed causes of this disease, there is still a great sector of hepatitis which remains unknown. Statistics shows that approximately 30% of hepatitis B infection are of unknown origin.40% of Hepatitis C cases are idiopathic (Nowak and Handford, 2004,p.379-80). Where another article points that sources is unknown but could be considerable; 50% of reported patients with hepatitis A do not have an identified source of infection (Fiore, 2004, p.706). But McHutchison Bacon (2005) emphasized in their diagram of Figure 2: Sources of Infection for Persons With Hepatitis C that only 10 % of Hepatitis C infection are unknown(p.S287). There are many effects of this disease which lie under the two categories: the physiological effects and psychosocial effects. Where the physiological effects contain all the symptoms of Hepatitis, the psychosocial effects indicate the emotional and social consequences of being a Hepatitis patient. The symptoms of the various forms of hepatitis are similar and they are caused by the damage in the liver. The most noticeable symptom is jaundice which causes a yellowing of the skin. Other symptoms associated with hepatitis include fatigue, general body pain, nausea, mild fever, and loss of appetite. As the infection spreads in the liver, the organ becomes enlarged. It may cause pain in the abdomen and in worst scenario can lead to liver Cirrhoses which mean total liver damage and eventually death. It takes seven to eight weeks after exposure to the Hepatitis virus for the symptoms to appear. A patient with Hepatitis is not only predisposed to physical symptoms, but also to emotional and social problems. These complexities include depression and social withdrawal as each one leads into the other, added to that depression and anxiety which commonly occur together. Anybody who suffers from Hepatitis will be anxious and this anxiety may lead in to depression in sever cases, for example when a patient suffers from Hepatitis and he knows it is a serious illness defiantly he will not stop worrying, these worries can make the person preoccupied with his illness and lead him to depression. Moreover, a Hepatitis patient social withdraw as a result of being unable to find a partner who is willing to live with this fatal disease. It is also hard to make people understand the nature of this serious disease and make friends and families accept and accommodate it. All this may drive the patient to be lonely and tempt to be suicidal. To sum up, Hepatitis is still one of our life time mysteries to be solved. The spread of this disease is mostly due to the natural or hygienic causes in addition to some percentage of idiopathic causes which is still unknown. Like any other illness, Hepatitis has many drawbacks which could be listed under two categories physiological and psychosocial. Unfortunately, despite the advanced field of medicine Hepatitis remains un-ended and research continues in order to find the ultimate treatment for it. Until a final cure is found, precautionary steps should be taken by both government and individuals. The government is responsible to ensure infection control awareness over this disease through its health system. But it is a personal responsibility to prevent oneself from this disease as well as any other disease by following the simple rules of hygiene and ensure to get proper health care from reliable health establishments only. References Fiore, E. (2004). Hepatitis A Transmitted by Food. FOOD SAFETY, 38(1), 705-715. McHutchison, J. G., Bacon, B. R. (2005). Chronic Hepatitis C: An Age Wave of Disease Burden. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MANAGED CARE, 11(10), S286-295. Nowak, T. J., Handford, A. G. (2004). Pathophysiology :Concepts and Application for Health care Professionals (Third ed.). NY: Mc Graw Hill. Prevention, C. f. D. C. a. (2009). Disease burden from viral hepatitis A, B, and C in the United States [Electronic Version]. Retrieved 9 Dec 2008 from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Conflict Between Church and Government Involving Thomas Becket and Henry II :: essays research papers

In Medieval England the Church was all powerful. The fear of going to Hell was very real and people were told that only the Catholic Church could save your soul so that you could go to Heaven. The head of the Catholic Church was the pope based in Rome. The most important position in the church in Medieval England was the Archbishop of Canterbury and both he and the king usually worked together. A king of England could not remove a pope from his position but popes claimed that they could remove a king by excommunicating him - this meant that the king’s soul was condemned to Hell and people then had the right to disobey the king. For people in England , there was always the real problem - do you obey the king or the pope ? In fact, this was rarely a problem as both kings and popes tended to act together as both wanted to remain powerful. On two occasions they fell out - one involved the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket, and the other Henry VIII. In 1162, Henry II, king of England, appointed Thomas Becket, as Archbishop of Canterbury. This was the most important religious position in England. No-one was surprised by Henry’s choice as both he and Thomas were very good friends. They enjoyed hunting, playing jokes and socialising together. Becket was known to be a lover of wine and a good horse rider. Henry II loved to ride as well but his personality was troubled by his fearsome temper. He tried to keep his temper under control by working very hard as it distracted him from things that might sparked off his temper. Henry II also controlled a lot of France at this time. William the Conqueror had been his great-grandfather and he had inherited his French territories as a result of this. When Henry was in France sorting out problems there, he left Becket in charge of England - such was his trust in him. Becket became Henry’s chancellor - the most important position in England after the king. When the Archbishop of Canterbury died in 1162, Henry saw the chance to give his close friend even more power by appointing him Archbishop of Canterbury - the most important church position in England. Why would Henry do this ? In Henry’s reign, the Church had its own courts and any member of the Church could decide to be tried in a Church court rather than a royal court.